
4 Best Brushes for Rabbits: Insider Tips from a Seasoned Rabbit Parent

Looking for the best brushes for rabbits to keep your furry friend looking fabulous? 🐇 Look no further! As a seasoned rabbit parent, I've tried my fair share of grooming tools. From gentle bristle brushes to handy grooming gloves, I've got insider tips to share on what works best for your bunny buddy! 🌟

Written by Gonzo · 10 min read >
Best brushes for rabbits


Oh, bunny parents, gather around! Today, we’re hopping down the rabbit hole to explore the best brushes for rabbits. If you’re anything like me, having been a devoted rabbit parent for more years than I can count on both hands, you’ll understand that finding the perfect grooming tool isn’t just about keeping your rabbit’s coat looking spick and span. It’s about ensuring our fluffy friends are comfortable, healthy, and happy. 🐰💖

With my three adorable hopsters at home, grooming sessions have become less of a chore and more of a bonding experience. But it wasn’t always smooth sailing — or should I say, smooth brushing?

Transitioning through a myriad of brushes tested on my long-haired divas and a fastidious short-haired gentleman has taught me a thing or two. Many rabbits, like cats and dogs, shed. But did you know that the wrong brush could leave your bunny feeling more than a bit uncomfortable? Yep, it’s not just about removing loose hair; it’s about caring for their skin and ensuring their coat is the softest, fluffiest version it can be.

After years of trial and error and many bunny cuddles, I’ve curated a list of grooming tools that tick ​​all the boxes for rabbit care. From brushes perfect for undercoat grooming to those suited for a quick comb-through, I’ll share my insights on why these selections can help make grooming time a breeze — be it for small animals or those with medium to long hair.

Whether your vet has recommended more frequent brushing sessions or you’ve noticed your rabbits shed more than most, this post is packed with tips, product reviews, and heartfelt advice on keeping your bunny happy, healthy, and looking their best. Get ready to transform your rabbit grooming routine with insights only a seasoned rabbit parent could share! 🐾✨

Why Grooming is Essential for Rabbits

Grooming isn’t just a pet-icure session; it’s like a spa day that keeps our bouncy pals in tip-top shape. 😊

Regular grooming, especially for those with long-haired rabbits, is Rabbit Care 101. It’s all about preventing those dreaded mats and tangly situations that can make a rabbit uncomfortable. Plus, it’s the prime time to check for any pesky skin issues sneaking under that fabulous fur coat, like fur mites. And trust me when I say that finding the best rabbit brushes isn’t just for the aesthetics—it’s about caring for that fluffy coat from ears to tail!

Now, why is this so crucial, you ask? Well, most rabbits are pretty good at keeping themselves clean. But when it comes to managing loose fur, they could definitely use a helping hand—or brush, in this case. 🐰💨

Regular brushing helps remove all that loose fur, which is super important because, unlike their small animal cousins like ferrets and guinea pigsrabbits can’t vomit. This means hairballs can be dangerous if too much loose fur gets ingested during self-cleaning sessions. By using one of the best rabbit brushes listed in this post to gently remove matted fur and loose strands, we’re not just sprucing up their look—we’re literally helping keep their insides happy and hairball-free!

And here’s a sweet side note: Grooming sessions aren’t just great for their health; they’re a fantastic way to bond. There’s something so endearing about having your pet trust you as you gently brush their fur, examine their ears, and ensure they’re as comfortable and happy as possible. Over time, these moments of petting and grooming become cues of safety and affection for them. Plus, who can resist the look of a freshly groomed rabbit? They seem to prance around with an extra hop, showing off their sleek, well-cared-for coat.

Whether you’ve got a small or a big fluff ball at home, getting into the groove of regular sessions with those trusty brushes can make a world of difference. 🌈✨

My Criteria for Selecting Brushes

When I set out on my noble quest to find the best brush for my bunny brigade 🐇✨, I had a checklist as long as a particularly dramatic squirrel’s tail!


First off, gentleness was non-negotiable. Bunny skin is as delicate as the whisper of a butterfly’s wing, so I needed something to whisk away excess fur without causing any oopsies. 🦋 It’s like selecting the softest blanket for a newborn—it has to be just right.


Next up was long-haired. I’ve seen how quickly long-haired rabbit friends become fluffy puffballs of doom, akin to our cousins, the guinea pigs, during shedding season. It’s like they’re trying on a new coat every other day! A brush that couldn’t effectively grab and hold onto those wandering tufts of fur wouldn’t do. I needed something to do the job efficiently, leaving their coat smoother than a freshly iced cake. 🎂

Ease to Use

Ease of use was another biggie; if wrangling the brush felt like I was trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube, it was a no-go. This meant looking for pet brush options with ergonomic handles that felt good in the hand and were simple to maneuver over different body shapes and hair types.


While I adore my fluffy friends more than my luggage, price did come into play. I wanted high-quality combs and brands that wouldn’t have me emptying my piggy bank 🐷💸—a slicker brush that was as kind to my wallet as it was to my pets’ fur.

Top 4 Best Brushes for Rabbits

1. Small Pet Select – Hair Buster Comb for Rabbits

Let me share my take on the Small Pet Select Hair Buster Comb for Rabbits! 🐰

When it comes to grooming my fluffy friends, the Small Pet Select Hair Buster Comb has become an essential tool in my bunny care kit. Let me tell you why it’s earned its place as my go-to grooming buddy.

First off, shedding seasons can be a real challenge, right? That’s when this comb truly shines! The fine-toothed design and clever rubber band feature effortlessly tackle loose fur, making those heavy shedding periods much more bearable for me and my bunnies. 🌟

What I really love about this comb is its gentle approach. No sharp bristles here to cause any discomfort for my precious pets. Instead, the blunted metal bristles glide through their fur, detangling and catching loose hair without any poking or prodding. And cleanup? A breeze! The rubber piece slides off for easy cleaning after the grooming session. Talk about convenience! 🧼

It’s not the cheapest comb out there. At the time of writing this article, Amazon’s price is $19.99, but let me tell you, it’s worth every penny. The design speaks for itself, with each tooth perfectly crafted to reach deep into the undercoat without scratching delicate skin. Plus, those plastic sleeves work wonders in catching fur and stimulating that oh-so-important fatty acid transfer for a healthier coat. 🌿

Sure, it might take a bit of practice to perfect the technique, but trust me, the results are fantastic! So, if you’re looking for a grooming tool that’s gentle, effective, and loved by bunnies and their humans alike, this super comb by Small Pet Select is a winner 🏆 🐾

2. Delomo – Pet Grooming Gloves

Let me share my take on the Rubber Grooming Glove for Rabbits, why I consider it part of my list, and how it’s made grooming sessions a breeze for me and my bunnies! 🐰

Now, don’t get me wrong, the Rubber Grooming Glove is fantastic. But for my fur babies, who sometimes need more thorough grooming, it falls slightly behind my top pick. That being said, it’s still a game-changer in bunny care.

One thing I absolutely adore about this glove is its gentleness. Unlike some brushes that can feel harsh on delicate rabbit skin, this glove offers a soothing massage-like sensation that my bunnies absolutely love. It’s like giving them a spa day right at home! 🧖‍♀️

The lack of sharp bristles means I can brush with peace of mind, knowing there’s no risk of accidentally poking my furry friends. And let me tell you, they appreciate it! It’s like they’re getting pampered with every stroke, and seeing them relax and enjoy the experience makes my heart melt. ❤️

Cleanup is a breeze, too! There’s no need to fuss with buttons or switches—just a quick shake will rid the glove of any collected fur. Plus, it’s super easy to wash, ensuring it’s always ready for the next grooming session.

While it might not be the best choice for long-haired rabbits or those with serious shedding issues, it’s perfect for regular grooming maintenance and keeping their coats looking and feeling great. So, if you’re looking for a gentle, effective grooming tool that your bunnies will love, give the Rubber Grooming Glove a try. It’s a great option for me, and I’m sure your furry friends will agree! 🥈

3. Furminator – Undercoat Deshedding Tool for Small Animal

What sets the Furminator apart is its innovative design. The stainless steel deShedding edge works wonders at reaching through the topcoat to safely and easily remove loose undercoat hair without causing any damage to the topcoat. And let me tell you, the results speak for themselves! 🌟

Cleanup is easy, thanks to the FURejector button, which effortlessly releases trapped fur with just the press of a button. I’ve tested brushes with buttons before, and I’m not a fan of them. In this case, the top quality makes the difference. No more wrestling with tangled fur or struggling to clean out the brush—just smooth, easy grooming sessions from start to finish.

Now, the Furminator is pricier than other options. But let me tell you, it’s worth every penny, especially for long-haired rabbits like mine who shed a lot during molting season. Plus, the peace of mind knowing I’m using a quality tool that won’t harm my bunny’s coat is priceless. 💸❤️

Of course, using the Furminator with care is essential, especially for rabbits with sensitive skin or short fur. The sharp bristles can be a bit too much for some bunnies, so it’s always a good idea to test it out gently before diving into an entire grooming session.

Overall, the Furminator Undercoat Deshedding Tool has become a staple in my bunny care arsenal. If you’re dealing with molting madness and looking for a reliable, effective grooming tool, look no further than the Furminator. Your bunny—and your sanity—will thank you! 🙌

4. Hertzko – Soft Pin Bristle Pet Brush

Long-haired rabbits, like the lionhead breed, require extra TLC for grooming. Trust me, I’ve had my fair share of tangled fur fiascos!

What sets this brush apart is its gentle yet effective design. Those soft pins work wonders at untangling mats and smoothing out my bunny’s luxurious coat without causing any discomfort. It’s like giving them a spa treatment right in their hutch! 🛁💆‍♂️

Now, grooming a long-haired rabbit can be quite the undertaking, as any fellow bunny parent will tell you. But with the Hertzko Soft Pin Bristle Brush, the process is simplified. I start by using the brush to smooth out any large tangles or matted areas, focusing especially on the undercoat where tangles form. And let me tell you, it works like a charm! 🪄

Cleanup is a walk in the park. There’s no need to worry about tangled fur getting stuck in the brush—just a quick rinse under warm water, and it’s good as new. Plus, the ergonomic handle makes it comfortable to hold, even during longer grooming sessions.

So, if you’re a proud parent of a long-haired bunny like me or want to make grooming sessions a little easier for your furry friend, I highly recommend trying this brush from Hertzko

How Often You Should Groom Your Rabbit

Oh, grooming our furry friends! 🐰 Trust me, knowing how often to groom your rabbit is as crucial as choosing the right food or the coziest bed. It’s an art and a science, blended with a dollop of love and a sprinkle of patience. From my adventures in the land of bunny care, I’ve learned a thing or two about brushing those adorable fluffy balls of joy.

First off, the frequency of grooming sessions can greatly vary depending on your rabbit’s breed and coat length. If you have a long-haired beauty, think Angoras or Lionheads; you’ll want to commit to regular brushing at least a few times a week. This helps prevent their luxurious locks from matting and keeps loose hair at bay. And by loose hair, I mean those sneaky strands that decide to pull a Houdini and escape every chance they get! 🎩✨

Shedding Season

Then there’s the shedding season. Oh boy, when it’s that time of the year, you might find yourself grooming your rabbit almost daily to keep up with the tidal wave of fur. It’s like your bunny decided to try a new hairstyle each day! A gentle rabbit brush is critical here; it’s kind and effective in whisking away that loose fuzz without causing any discomfort. And, who knows, you might find the grooming tools becoming your new best friends while you’re at it.

Did you know that the principles of grooming apply across the board? Whether tending to rabbits or convincing your dog that the brush isn’t an alien probe, being gentle and patient is the way to go. And while you might not need to watch out for nails like cat grooming, keeping an eye on the rabbit’s coat condition and nail length is crucial.

I’ve found that, regardless of the season, incorporating combing into our routine helps keep everything under control. It’s not just about pulling loose hair; it’s about bonding, checking for lumps or bumps, and ensuring their skin is healthy. Plus, it keeps their coat looking shiny and fabulous – green, lush, and full of life!

To all my fellow bunny parents dealing with long hair, shedding seasons, or just trying to find the best brushes, remember, every stroke of the brush is a stroke of love. And while no tool can magically stop all shedding (wouldn’t that be a dream!), using the right grooming tools can make a difference in managing your rabbit’s coat 🌈.

What to Do If Your Rabbits Hate Grooming

If you’ve got a long-haired rabbit who’d rather do a million binkies than sit still for a groom, I totally feel you. It can be a hairy situation when shedding season hits, and your bun becomes a fluff monster. Here’s a nugget of wisdom from my treasure trove of bunny tales — try the gentle magic of a lint roller! It might sound quirky, but running a lint roller gently over your rabbit’s coat can catch a surprising amount of fur, especially from those large, less ticklish areas. Sure, it’s not as efficient as those fancy grooming gloves, but it’s a fab way to quickly collect loose fur without making your fluffy friend uncomfortable.

Transforming grooming into a happy vibe for your reluctant fluffer involves patience and a sprinkle of creativity. Start by associating grooming sessions with positive experiences. A little treat here, a soft word of praise, and loads of gentle head rubs can turn those dreaded grooming moments into bonding ones.

Remember, brushes can be scary from their tiny perspective! Introduce any grooming tool gradually, letting them sniff and investigate to realize it’s not a foe. And while it’s tempting to go straight for the gold and groom every loose strand away, focusing on just a bit of grooming at a time can help keep the peace. This way, even if your bunny isn’t a fan of being groomed, they won’t have to sit through what feels like an eternity. It may also be a good idea to snap up some distracting rabbit toys while you finish the task. Remember, it’s all about making those moments together count, ensuring your long-haired rabbit remains the fabulous, fluffy companion you adore. 🌟


To wrap things up, it’s no secret that finding the best brushes for rabbits has turned into a pet project of mine — pun intended! 🐰 The proper grooming tools keep our bunnies looking their best and ensure their well-being, removing loose fur that might otherwise turn into problematic hairballs. The market is hopping with options that can make grooming a breeze. 

The rabbit brushes mentioned in this article tackle the shed and promote a healthy new coat, ensuring your pet is as comfortable as they are clean. Plus, once you find the perfect brush, you’ll likely notice your rabbit starts to enjoy grooming sessions as much as a good hop around the living room. 🌈 

Grooming your rabbit shouldn’t be a chore—it’s an opportunity to bond, care for, and show love to your floppy-eared friend. With the best brushes for rabbits, brushing becomes less of a fuss and more of a fun activity to look forward to. I’m beyond excited for you to try these recommended grooming tools and experience the difference!

Happy brushing!